Monday, August 17, 2015


My opinion about the video we watched in class about a con-artist is that he is absolutely genius. Although it is illegal, he is very smart about coming up with that idea. It's not like the people who are buying these are poor. They are all very wealthy business men. And if he can get an artwork to look just like the original, then they would still like it just as much. He isn't repainting a piece. Just making one with the same techniques and style as the others. When someone has a talent like this, their role in life it to teach others and help them learn to develop that talent for themselves. They could teach them all they know and help them be important in society. If I could be gifted with a genius talent, I would want it the be to be able to do any sort of type of artwork. I would be able to do cartoons, portraits, watercolor, or whatever else I want it. I would use it to be able to create my own personal unique set of pieces and make money off of them using my own name, unlike Wolfgang who used other popular artist's name to gain loads of cash.

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